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Powering Tomorrow, Today.

Revolutionize your energy endeavors with our dedicated solutions. From renewable energy optimization to grid management innovation, embark on a sustainable journey with cutting-edge technology tailored for the energy sector.
Our approach
The energy sector fuels modern life, facing challenges of sustainability and innovation. Transitioning towards renewables while optimizing traditional sources demands agile strategies. Smart technologies revolutionize production, distribution, and consumption, shaping a greener future. In the meantime, already available sources need to be optimized and rethought.

How does it work?

Industrial grade batteries periodically need to be replaced to enforce high-security standards. Though they cannot be used on production pipelines anymore, they are still very reliable to be connected on the grid and store power to be used in time of need. How much can be stored in your batteries ? When is it best to store and release power ?
Battery characteristics
Characteristics matter : amount of time required to fully load the battery, energy consumed during stand-by, thermal environment impact, capacity depletion, etc.
Charge when price is low
Storing power off the grid means buying it to the electrecity market. Depending on your batteries, the trade timing is critical to optimize your profit and loss.
Releasing when demand is high
Using our predicting solutions, selling the previously acquired power at the right time will ensure profitable operations.
Plan your investment
Investing in industrial-grade batteries need to be planed in advance. You may use our dedicated battery simulator to envision your capacities.
Energy calculator: value your production

How to: step-by-step

Fill the form
Choose a battery preset or create your own. Input your numbers, validate your requested simulation and let's crunch some data.
Get the results
Using the parameters your defined, we compute real-time electricity market figures to provide a meaningful result.
Play with the settings
Keep iterating on the simulator using differents presets and parameters to plan your batteries acquisitions.


To mesure is to know. Our energy tools provide a way for reliable and profitable investments in the energy storage field, ensuring smart battery purchases and best charging/releasing timings.

Let's get in touch.